Week Seventeen/Month Four: Across the Universe on April 30, 2022 abstract art back of the piece back stitch blanket stitch embroidery French knots hidden song lyrics stem stitch whipped stem stitch +
Week Sixteen: Hidden on April 23, 2022 back stitch bees Easter eggs embroidery flowers French knots hearts hidden lazy daisy stitch original art satin stitch Scream tete de boeuf stitch +
Week Fifteen: We've moved left on April 16, 2022 abstract embroidery back of the piece back stitch blanket stitch embroidery feather stitch French knots herringbone stitch stem stitch The Sky Is A Neighborhood WIP +
Week Fourteen: I don't feel that I need to explain my art to you, Warren. on April 09, 2022 back stitch baseball blanket stitch embroidery French knots layering opening day original art Rex Manning Day split back stitch split stitch stem stitch stitch journal whipped back stitch +
Week Thirteen/Month Three: The Sky Is A Neighborhood on April 02, 2022 back stitch blanket stitch Bridgerton chain stitch embroidery Foo Fighters French knots original art Sheep Metal song lyrics The Sky Is A Neighborhood twinkle stitch +