Week Twelve: Chain Stitches and Sadness on March 26, 2022 chain stitch embroidery Foo Fighters French knots Kusama music original art rosette chain stitch satin stitch sequins song lyrics stitch journal twisted chain stitch zig zag stitch +
Week Eleven: Spite House on March 19, 2022 abstract embroidery back stitch blanket stitch chain stitch coral stitch couching stitch embroidery fly stitch original art spite houses stem stitch +
Week Ten: Stay inside. on March 12, 2022 abstract embroidery advice back stitch blanket stitch embroidery fly stitch French knots International Women's Day original art quotes stitch journal +
Week Nine: Building on March 05, 2022 back of the piece back stitch building colonial knots embroidery fishbone stitch French knots organization original art ort jars Sheep Metal stem stitch stitch journal zig zag stitch +