Is it me or is March just flying by? I feel like it's already May and I'm very, very behind in planning a big party for my parents' 50th anniversary, cleaning my house, and all the other embroidery projects I wanted to get to this year. Then I remind myself we're only three months into 2022 and there's time for everything.
This week I continued my building process and added to some of the sections of the piece I set up last week. I've loved working on these sections and am excited to keep building them out as the piece grows. I really want to do a piece that's all blanket stitch only not as a trim stitch. It's going to be awesome.
Today's entry to the stitch journal comes courtesy of my friend Jordana and the weird weather we have here in the DMV this time of year. I rely on Jordana for my winter weather forecasts (she's much more reliable than the dudes on the local stations), so when she said "Tomorrow is going to be weird. Stay inside," I laughed and then planned an inside day. She's right too. It's been raining and snowing since I got up to feed the cat at 5 am and the wind is horrible. The best part of this quote is that it can be used for lots of things, so we should all right it down and use as needed. I may have to stitch it on something else. Maybe a pillow?
March 6 - the first set of blanket stitches. I love them so much! |
March 7 - some back and stem stitches |
March 8 - This year's theme for International Women's Day is "break the bias." This was my attempt at the symbol in embroidery. |
March 9 - More blanket stitches because I love them and now have to figure how far I'll take them and how to connect them to other sections. |
March 10 - fly stitches. They look like birds. I was originally thinking of scallop stitches, but that's not how they turned out.
March 11 - I added another line of back stitches (to the right of the light pink stem stitches). I'm weirdly obsessed with this particular section and am considering it for my next tattoo. |
This is my favorite part of the this section. |
March 12 - I haven't done much transfer work on this piece, but wanted the first part of the quote as a circle, so I had to make a quick transfer. I can guarantee that it would not have been an actual circle if I had done it free hand. |
Got myself another embroidery stand. I'm not sure I like it, but it's holding the weight of the hoop and extra fabric better than the single clamp hoop stand I have. Today was my first day using it, so I need to get used to it. |
Update on Sheep Metal - three more clouds to finish and then it's done! Since I'm staying inside today, I think I may get it done after I clean the house.
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