Groundhog Day is my favorite made up holiday. I'm not a huge fan of winter, but I love the idea that we let a large rodent predict whether or not we'll have six more weeks of winter. I did a full
groundhog piece last year. It was one of my favorites. When I added the
double laced back stitch last week, I realized I set up a little spot for a groundhog to emerge. I used last year's design as a guide to draw this year's version of Groundhog Phil. Too bad he predicted more winter. Sigh.
This week also marks new stitch two - the
cast-on stitch. My first attempts weren't great, but they weren't terrible either. It's a fun 3D stitch and pretty easy to do. I need to work on not getting the thread twisted so the effect works properly.
Finally, this week I decided to include today's
Wordle score as an entry. I love Wordle. If you don't know what it is or don't play, it's a word guessing game. You get six tries to guess a five letter word. What's great about Wordle is you can only play once per day, so while it's addictive, it's not distracting. I play Wordle while I'm eating breakfast. It's a better way to wake up my brain than scrolling through Twitter or reading the news. Wordle was created by a guy named
Josh Wardle for his partner, who loves word games. What I love most about Wordle is that no one, at least no one I know, spoils it for anyone else. We all get the same word every day and everyone goes out of their way to not spoil it for anyone who plays. It reminds me of when people pass money or credit cards to beer vendors at baseball games; no one steals the money or the beer. It's a completely honest community moment. Wordle feels like that to me. I haven't gotten a word in two tries, but I have gotten in three tries a few times, and today was another one of those days. I was proud of my guess breakdown, so it's today's stitch journal entry. Yes, Wordle has been sold to
The New York Times, but for now, we can still play for free. Let's enjoy it while we can.
January 31 - added some French knots to the couching stitch from the day before. |
February 1 - setting up for Groundhog Day with some whipped back stitch (in black) |
February 2 - Happy Groundhog Day (back stitch, straight stitch, French knots) |
February 3 - the cast-on stitch |
February 4 - satin stitch raindrops |
February 5 - French knot Wordle score |
I have a three-day work event this week, so I probably won't post a mid-week WIP post. I say probably because it's very possible I will even if I'm exhausted from the event. I'm making good progress on Sheep Metal and I'm working on some more stitching on the paint sampler. We'll see how the week goes.
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