Week Seven: Superb Owl

Y'all it's week seven and day 50 (what?) of this stitch journal! I feel like the time is passing much faster than last year; maybe it's because I'm not coming up with full designs every day. Maybe time is moving faster. Who knows?

Anyway, I kicked this week off with an unintentional nod to one of my favorite tv shows, What We Do In the Shadows. I did a few WWDITS pieces last year, including my lovely bat and an ode to Jackie Daytona. I forgot the Super Bowl was last weekend and it just so happened that on Saturday I found a piece of owl fabric in the ort jar and added to my piece. This set me up for the best kind of party - a Superb Owl Party. In Season 2, the vampires are invited to a Super Bowl party, but read the invitation as "Super Owl Party." It's amazing and sounds way more fun than a Super Bowl party. This episode also features one of my favorite Nadja quotes where she compares boring men to boiled potatoes. It's fantastic. 

February 13: Superb Owl Party

February 14: Happy Valentine's Day - enjoy some French knots!

February 15: this reminded me of friendship bracelets (chain stitch)

February 16: I gifted myself a very long strand of pink thread so I used it for this line of split stitches.

February 17: The weird fish shape I made always stares at me when I work on my journal, so I decided to add stitches to it once per month.

February 18: It was very spring-like here this week, so I added some sun rays to the groundhog's lair (whipped back stitch).

February 19: Learned how to make colonial knots today. 

My plan is to use the top of the hooped section to finish out February and then decide where to move the larger piece of fabric. I also hope to get some more work done on Sheep Metal this week, so there may be a WIP post mid-week. My month two/week eight recap will be up on February 28.
