Friendsmas on a train

Many years ago, the tradition of Friendsmas was born. I celebrate with my friend Anita every year on/about December 28. We started doing this when one or both of us were living elsewhere, but would come back to Virginia to be with family for the holidays. We exchange gifts and go do something fun. We've gone to the movies, new restaurants, to see the John Waters exhibit in Baltimore, and axe throwing. Last year, we hung out at my house and enjoyed some cheese and wine, while keeping a safe distance from one another. 

This year, we're in Philadelphia to see the Craftivism exhibition at the National Liberty Museum. As I shared back in November, a piece of my embroidery is part of the Badass HERstory portion of the exhibit. Today and tomorrow's pieces will be stitched while on the train up/down or while we're in town. 

The first An Embroidery a Day project has been quite the journey, so it's fitting that I spend a few days on the road before the project ends. I wasn't really sure if I'd be able to pull this year of embroidery off. I'll share more about this in the final post of the year, but it's not always been the easiest of things to do. I don't always feel creative or like what I'm making is very good, but I do it and that's what makes this project so satisfying and so amazing. It's helped me understand myself as an artist and creative. I love that I get to see my work in a museum just as I'm finishing this year's project (more on this tomorrow).

I decided to design a panel piece for today and tomorrow. I'll share the first half of the piece today and the full piece tomorrow. 

Today's piece features one of my favorite quotes from Gloria Steinem:

Without leaps of imagination, we lose the excitement of possibilities.

I think this quote is a great representation of this project. I'll post the rest of the panel tomorrow and reflections on seeing my work in an actual museum.

I embroidered on a train.

Stitches: back stitch, French knots
Thread palette: DMC C310, 310 (3), C666 (2,3), C319 (4)
