Cranberry sauce

My dad makes the best cranberry relish ever. It's another one of my favorite holiday foods; I'm looking forward to enjoying leftovers on stuffing waffles (something we'll discuss on Sunday). I was, however, raised on the jellied cranberry sauce. And I love it. 

Like sage in stuffing, how you enjoy your cranberry sauce is one of those weird Thanksgiving discussions/arguments. I have friends who look at me like I kicked a puppy when I suggest canned cranberry sauce is good (I suspect several of them have never eaten a canned food of any kind in their entire lives). Still others who don't understand why you'd go to the trouble of making something that's already readily available. To each their own. When it comes to food traditions and tastes, enjoy what you enjoy and keep your opinions to yourself if they're mean.

Today we celebrate the wonder of canned cranberry sauce. The can lines really do make it taste so good. 

Stitches: back, whipped back stitches, French knots
Thread palette: DMC 310 (2,3), 777 (2), SS 921 (2)
