Just because you can, doesn't mean you should - Thanksgiving candy edition

Today I want to pay homage to one of the greatest Twitter threads of 2021, maybe even of all time. Before I share the thread, you need to know two things:
  1. Brach's introduced a Thanksgiving dinner candy corn at some point, but I was only made aware of its existence in October.
  2. My mom loves sage. It's a key ingredient in her stuffing, which is one of my favorite foods, but she has to sometimes be reminded that we're not trying to cleanse the house of a demon when adding it.
Back in early October, a Twitter user with the handle Mom of No Rank, posted a thread of her honest review of the Brach's Thanksgiving dinner candy corn. It's pure genius. I've read it about 25 times and have shared it with countless people since I first came across it. It's threads like this that remind me that social media can be fun and enjoyable. There are so many favorite moments in this thread, but my absolute favorite is in the sixth tweet:

"Tastes like hate and sage." So freaking amazing. She hasn't even gotten to the green beans at this point, but I had to put my phone down after reading the part about sage for the first time. So good. So funny. 

Stitches: back, whipped back, satin and fishbone stitches, French knots
Thread palette: SS 010 (2, 3 strands), 115 (2), DMC 814, 310 (2)
