There are 49,623 spider species in the world. They live on every continent except Antarctica. The vast majority of spiders are harmless, but they're creepy looking. I think that's why they freak people out so much and make for excellent horror story villains. I won't link to any of the articles I read about the various species of spiders since I know most people don't want to risk clicking on an article and seeing the pictures. Let's just say I did the work for you.
When I made the August version of Bernie the Bee, I was thinking it would be cool to make a spider in the same way with cotton ball stuffing to give it some volume. I'm pretty certain bees and spiders aren't friends, so don't expect to see a Bernie crossover in the future. This is one of the few pieces I've done since January where I used 6 strands of embroidery thread for the entire piece. I tend to use 2-4 strands since the scale of my work is smaller, but 6 felt right. If the thread I used came in 8 strands I would have used all 8, since spiders have 8 legs and all.
This is Kevin the Spider. I don't know why his name is Kevin, but it is.
Stitches: back, whipped back, and satin stitches, French knots
Thread palette: DMC C310 (2, 6 strands), C3799 (6 strands), C666 (6 strands), 310 (4 strands)
Other materials: one cotton ball
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