Bernie the Bee Returns

Bernie the Bee is back! This little bee is probably my favorite thing I created for this project, followed closely by the tiny sheep, the tiny cat, and the blue bird. I wanted to try the cotton ball technique again, and Bernie seemed like a great subject to use. I feel like Bernie will be around long after this year's project is over. 

I did two things differently this time: I used three strands of thread instead of six and I shaped the cotton ball again once I had it in place with a few tacking stitches. Three strands looks fine; if you look closely at the flowers and the bee you can tell I used more threads on the flowers, but it doesn't really matter for the end design for either pieces. Cutting and shaping the cotton again did help; I think it made it a little easier to manage. I also trimmed it more as I was stitching to keep things clean.

The wings were my "challenge" for today. I didn't have to make them out of a different material, but I wanted to try. I tried using Magic Mesh (a plastic netting material used in paper crafts), but it's really hard to stitch on. Then I tried embroidering on craft ribbon; it worked, but didn't hold up when I tried to attach the wings to the bee. I decided to use the craft ribbon on its own to create the wings. They are glued on as well; I couldn't get a needle through the cotton and embroidery thread to stitch the wings on. Glue is our friend.

I like this version of Bernie the Bee, but I think I like the previous versions better. What do you think?

Stitches: satin, back, straight stitches
Thread palette: DMC 310, B5200, 444 (3 strands)
Other materials: craft ribbon, sequins, cotton ball
