Fun with Stencils: Circles

After my recent foray into drawing triangles, I decided to invest in some stencils. Geometric shapes can be challenging to get right even when using a ruler. A couple of the embroidery artists I follow on Instagram use stencils, particularly when drawing smaller scale items. I found a great set online, and decided to play around with the circles today. Stencils are fun, and I'm envisioning all the things I can do with this set (a set of 10 I think) in future pieces. My transfer was a little off on a few circles; I did my best to fix it while stitching, but there are a few wonky moments. I had to use a white marking pencil (for tailoring) and it doesn't make neat lines like the pens I normally use. Luckily, the transfer pens I use come in lighter colors, so I bought a few this morning. I hope that helps with this month's transfers. 

I like the way colors are popping on this darker fabric. I have a few other darker fabrics for later months; I think they're going to be great too. Enjoy some circles!

Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: SS 204, 404, 504, 704, 804 (3 strands)
