I am so glad February is over. Normally, I don't have strong feelings about February. It's a month that includes holidays celebrating a weather-predicting groundhog, love, and dead presidents, so it's unserious but also wants to be serious, so like that guy we all had a crush on sophomore year of college (you know the one). It has less days than the other months even when it's a leap year, and then it has a random bonus day. Imagine being born on February 29 - magical! It's still cold out and it might snow, but it could also be 70 degrees one day and you have to turn on your AC. February is a weird month, but it's not a bad month. Quirky but not terrible.
Frankly, if February 2025 was a person, I'd punch it in the throat. I'm not a violent person, but this February made me feel violent. Maybe it's the horrors or the fact that I was sick for almost three weeks or the horrors, but if I can find an actual dumpster fire, I'd like to push February in and watch it burn. So I'm happy to see the beginning of March. I'm not naive enough to be hopeful, but it'd be cool if March sucked less than February. Maybe the fortunes will help guide March to a more pleasant month.
Change "Friday" to "end of February" and this is me this entire month. This cat is a Sunny Cat by artist Cindy Sun. (IG: @sunnysidebysun) |
This week's fortune was a fun one. I don't think I personally use the word "repertoire" in sentences, so it was exciting to get to embroider it on something. I'm not sure I picked up any new skills this week, but I did use my knowledge of random political movements to work the Icelandic Women's Strikes into a session I'm working on at work for International Women's Day. Cool (said in John Oliver's voice).
What new skills and knowledge should I add to my repertoire? I definitely need to work on my crocheting and maybe needle felting. What else?
Here's this week's fortune and lucky numbers. It was a one fortune week (fortune 14).
February 23 |
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February 24 |
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February 25 |
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February 26 |
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February 27 |
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February 28 |
March 1 - 46 is another number I'm tracking. It's come up 4 times so far. |
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Weeks 1-9 |
Woodlawn, WIPs, and Mushroom Pillows
It's finally here! The
62nd Woodlawn Needlework Show opens March 1. This is my first year submitting work to the show. I attended the opening reception on Thursday and got to see my weird little mushrooms in the show. I didn't win anything (I didn't expect to). It's a beautiful show. If you live locally, you should totally go see it. My mushrooms are in the music room window. I'm volunteering as a room hostess on March 20 if you want to plan accordingly.
Yes, I'm in my mushroom era. I can't help myself. I even bought a mushroom pillow this week. I really could have used a hug from my sweet cat, but he's gone and I don't know anyone who would let me borrow their cat, so I bought a cozy mushroom pillow. It's not the same but it'll do (and it was on sale).
I also attended a curator walkthrough of the new exhibition at NMWA. It's called
Uncanny and it is weird and creepy and wonderful. If the words "plague masks" and "wall of twins" are your jam, this exhibition is for you. No description I share here will do it justice. I'm still trying to figure out how to design my tour.
Maybe the best part of February was my monthly craft meet-up with a few of my friends. It always brings a sense of calm to an otherwise chaotic universe. I started working on a kit from the
Savage Stitcher.
Other things bringing me a small amount of joy this week: a Hello Kitty cardigan I bought for Hello Kitty night at Nationals Park and Amanda Montell's new book.
Last but not least, my lovely friend Emily sent me a little embroidery surprise this week. She started embroidering last year when we visited Bangor and is really getting into it. I knew she would love it. Look at this cute little ghost and his (hers? its?) crow friend and book pile! Delightful!
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