The Stitch Book: Week 24 (June 9-15)

Welcome to Week 24 and the 499th post of An Embroidery a Day! Can you believe it? I'm amazed that I've written almost 500 posts about embroidery and art. Thanks for joining me on this journey. I turned 45 earlier this week, and it's been an absolutely wonderful birthday week. 

As I've shared in the past, my mom always tells the story that when I was born a rainbow was in the sky. I've always loved rainbows and had lots of rainbow things as a kid (and as an adult). I've done a bunch of rainbow designs on this blog since I started. Rainbows are joyous and beautiful. 

Since I've been financially able to do so, I donate to The Trevor Project on my birthday. As I said last year, I hope anyone who stops by this blog or my Instagram or knows me in real life, knows that you're safe here. I'm your family (whatever that means to you) or a friend or a random person in the world who cares about you. I'll always be here fighting to protect you and your safety always. 

If this week's mo theme bothered you...that's a you problem, not a me problem. If you can't find time to educate yourself and stop being hateful, you can get the fuck off my blog. I will never have the time nor the patience for hate or ignorance.

Here's this week's piece:

June 9

June 10

June 11 - happy birthday to me!

June 12

June 13

June 14

June 15

Week 24

Weeks 1-24

Week 25's color is white tea.

In addition to having a lovely dinner with my family, I received the funniest card and probably the truest card, I've ever received in my life. My friend Elaine sent it to me.
