March: 31 Words (Words 26-31)

March's stitch journal was the first one I figured out once I decided to use this format for the project this year. Words are powerful and have a lasting impact. I like how this month's stitch journal turned out. I learned that some stitches work better than others on this fabric and that a lot of people share my experiences with these words. 

Here's the final recap for March:

March 26: Strong is a weird word for me because it's good to be strong, but there's also the side of strong that feels lonely and too much. I have a lot of strong friends and I hope that I can be here for them when they don't want to be strong. 

March 27: I love traveling. I'm heading out on a road trip next week (part of the first week of April will be coming to you from Ocracoke, NC) and I can't wait to spend some time at the beach and with my friends. Traveling is magic.

March 28: I'm always going to be cool with being called an oddball or weird. It took me a long time to get comfortable with that, but here I am.

March 29: My dad once told me that I have the confidence of a much taller person. This is probably one of the funniest and truest things my dad has ever said to me. I do have the confidence of a much taller person most of the time.

March 30: I hope I'm a good friend. 

March 31: My maternal grandma's family was from West Virginia originally and I remember my mom telling me about her great-grandma being a healer of some kind. I don't know much about this side of the family and most of the people who would know any details died when I was a kid. I had a dream about this woman a few months ago and it inspired me to learn more about her and my grandma's people. I haven't started yet, but it's on my list of things to do this summer. It makes me think we're all a little witchy.

WIPs and Other projects

I finished a bunch of projects this week including the PopLush turkey and my first attempt at embroidering on cork. I also got a little painting in on Sunday. Not sure what I'm going to use the pages for, but it was nice to paint.

I also settled on the twenty quotes for my next series, Iconic. I'm still not sure if I want to embroider them as twenty separate hooped pieces or as a quote book. I used to make quote books when I was younger and I sort of like the idea of making a book. I bought fabric for the series and could easily turn that fabric into a book. I could also use an actual journal and turn this into a work on paper. Lots to ponder. 

Next up for the 2023 Stitch Journal...the return of Bernie the Bee and some other insect friends!
