There are only six more words left after this week's entries! Where does the time go? I had fun with this week's entries and also came to the realization that I suck at using stem stitch for lettering. I don't know if it's the combination of fabric and thread or if I need more practice, but it is not pretty. I'm going to work on it some more, but I also am giving up on using it for the remainder of this month. I added some couching stitch to the mix this week and I'm pleased with the results.
Here's this week's recap:
March 19: Baking is one of my favorite things to do. I like feeding people and I like the science behind baking. I love a challenging baking project as much as I love simple recipes. One of the funniest comments I ever received in an end of year review at work was someone who said that the organization was better off because I baked for people. I don't bake as much these days, so I'm looking forward to a baking binge next weekend in preparation for an upcoming trip. |
March 20: Making friends as an adult is hard. So much of the challenge comes from the fact that we all get so self-conscious as we age. Whenever I meet new people, my first thought is always "please be weird." I need my weirdness and their weirdness to sync up and create a circle of weird that is enjoyable and fun. |
March 21: I love being a mentor. I've had some wonderful mentors of my own over the years (including right now) and I've had the honor of mentoring some really amazing humans (formally and informally). I've learned so much from them and I hope I've helped in whatever way they needed me. |
March 22: I spend most of my work life thinking about and talking about leadership. I run leadership development programs and mentoring programs. I help leaders develop better skills to be the kind of leader they want to be. I'm working on my own leadership skills too. One thing I know about being a good leader is that sometimes you have to change the course you're on to better serve your team. I've done that a lot over the last few years and tried to illustrate it here by moving from one stitch (that wasn't working) to another. |
March 23: I'm a pretty introverted person at heart. I need to be able to think about things deeply before I respond and I get my energy from more introspective activities rather than from being around people. I find it amusing that someone who is often called quiet is also "mouthy" and "opinionated." Good stuff. |
March 24: I first heard the word "raconteuse" a few years ago in an article about female singer-songwriters and their storytelling abilities. It's such a lovely word and I aspire to be considered a raconteuse, whether it's for my writing or my art (or maybe both). |
March 25: I was talking about toxic resiliency at work recently, and I wonder if we (the royal we) use the word "talented" to cover up those moments when a person might need help or a system or process should be changed, but no one wants to do the work. It's easier to say "well, you're so talented" instead of making a change. And it may be true; the person is talented, but still needs some help. I struggle with being told I'm talented even if I know it's true. |
Words 1-25 |
Preview of the last week of words |
WIPs and Other Projects
I finished the peacock this week and started my last PopLush pattern (until my April club pattern arrives). I definitely need a wall to display my creatures.
Why is this turkey so freaking funny? |
I hope to start patterning my Iconic series tomorrow. I'd like to take a few with me when I go on vacation in early April. I'm also going to be setting up April's stitch journal this week. I'm looking forward to bringing back some creatures from my 2021 project and focusing on a specific set of stitches.
This photo is the perfect picture of my life: cat staring longingly into the kitchen as if he's starving, a stack of books, a WIP embroidery project, the designs for my next series, a dinosaur. I love it so much. |
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