Welcome to 2023! It's been a week hasn't it? I don't know about you, but I've been watching this whole Speaker election ridiculousness and it's so surreal to watch so much dysfunction in one place. My brain hurts. It seems too early in the year for my brain to hurt, but here we are.
Anyway, this year's stitch journal is off to a great start. My goal for the week was to complete the back stitch outline of the tree. I kept to my schedule and was able to complete the outline. It's not the neatest back stitch I've ever done, but it fits within the context of my design. A tree doesn't have to look perfect. It's also going to be completed as a whipped back stitch, so that will clean up a little bit of the wonkiness. After I finish the outline, I'll work on filling in the tree before adding stars, maybe some snow, and possibly a moon.
I've mostly kept to my time rules so far. I went a little over on Friday and Saturday since I wanted to finish the initial outline within the week. Since I didn't use stabilizer for this piece, it's taking me a little longer to stitch since the fabric is stretchy and there's a lot of it. I'm working at a slower pace than I normally do. It works for this piece and for what I want to focus on this year.
Here's this week's recap:
January 1 |
January 2 |
January 3 |
January 4 |
January 5 |
January 6 |
January 7 |
Phase one of the tree is complete. Next up: adding the whipped stitch to the tree. |
Coming in February - Cats in Hats and Other Things
February's stitch journal is a t-shirt featuring this cat. I'll be adding hats, scarves, toys, bow ties, and other items to 28 cats on the shirt. I started sketching out some of the items this week.
Keely would like you to know that he's the inspiration for February. He might even make an appearance one day. |
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