Week Fifty: The Last Section, Part 1

I had plans to share a bit more about next year's project this week and next, but I had one of those weeks that always seems to happen in December - the week of blah. Mine was brought on by some things at work that annoyed me, but since it's the end of the year and everyone's in "end of year mode," I have to let them go. Keely had a tooth extracted and had to have pain meds for a few days. As much as sharing about next year's project would probably make me happy, I don't want to put any blah vibes on it. Next week will be better. 

I've been working on the last section of the piece. I'll stitch on it through the end of next week then decide to either stay there or move around and add to other sections of the piece for the final week. Can you believe it - only two more weeks!?!? I feel like I just started, which is also insane to say out loud. 

Here's this week's recap:

December 11: It looks like something you might find in the ocean. I used up the remaining blue thread and some of the purple.

December 12: It's hard to tell but this is actually whipped back stitch. I think I'm going to do a piece next year that only uses whipped stitches.  

December 13: More curvy stem stitch. Looking at it now, I see Laverne's monogram from the show Laverne & Shirley.

December 14: I had this fear that I'd get to the end of the project and only have neutral tones left for thread. I have plenty of colorful thread left, but I do have a lot of the neutrals as well. Decided to use a few for this set of long back stitches.

December 15: Stem stitch looks like a figure swimming when it's crossed like this. There's another example right above this section that reminds me of swimmers or dancers. Don't know why; it just does.

December 16: I found a long-ish piece of Etoile thread in one of my favorite colors - the green I used for Christmas trees last year. I thought another unintentional dinosaur would emerge, but it did not.

December 17: The last of the very bright yellow fabric left over from making the state fish of Hawaii last year. 

You can see the blue stem stitch swimmer in this photo - to the right of where the green line of whipped back stitch starts. One of the unintentional dinosaurs is also right above this section. Maybe he wants to be the only dino on this side of the fabric...
