I didn't think I was going to make another Scream, but 2022 hasn't gotten the message that it needs to get its life together and not be the absolute worst. No, it's not only asking 2020 and 2021 to hold its beer; it bought a freaking brewery that only makes crappy IPAs (I said what I said about IPAs - move on beer people). This week has been another long week of doomscrolling and genuinely wondering why are people? This week's stitch journal entries have focused on the next fabric move, which ironically, is more to the right on the fabric. I can't make this stuff up.
The new Scream was Wednesday's entry. I hate that every time abortion rights are up for dismantling, women and others have to share such heartbreaking and personal stories. If we've learned anything since March 2020, it's that empathy isn't something people are very good at expressing or feeling. Wednesday's Scream was my attempt at showing that; rather than listen and understand, we make people go through so much emotional labor to "prove" that every human deserves body autonomy and basic human and health care rights. I'm not sure I accomplished it, but I'm glad I stitched it.
Here's this week's recap:
May 1: Expanded Across the Universe to the top of the hoop. I also showed my support for International Workers' Day by buying a zine made by two union cats. Yes, that's a real thing. |
May 2: More connecting from top to bottom. |
May 3: Added some more blanket stitches, focusing on overlapping the stitches to make interesting shapes. |
May 4: Scream #13 (the red thread and hearts). I made a donation to this abortion fund if you're looking for a way to help and can spare a donation. |
May 5: I can't decide if whipped chain stitch is a needed stitch or completely unnecessary, but I felt like stitching it to help bring the sides together. |
May 6: Before taking my mom to a tattoo and piercing shop (her first time visiting) to get her ear piercings fixed, I added some more green and purple to help round out the bottom as it is today.
May 7: I added some blues, purples, and pinks to connect the two sides. See the images below for closeups of the new sections. |
Look how glorious the back of this is! I love it so much. |
Tomorrow we move the fabric. |
WIP Update: I did finish the first part of my From the Back series last weekend. I was supposed to write a separate post about it, but I didn't this week. I hope to get it done for this week and share more about the next part of the series, which will focus on abstract pieces.
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