Did you know the fire department sends four fire trucks out when a gas leak is reported? You do now! I learned that on January 1. Thankfully, it wasn't in my condo, but it was in the building. The fire fighters and the technician from the gas company were all very nice and efficient, but it was a chaotic way to start 2022. A tree fell on my car during the snow storm we had on Monday (the car is fine - a few scratches). Vacation ended and we observed the one year anniversary of the insurrection. To say this week was weird is a bit of an understatement. I'm glad it's over.
So far, I'm enjoying the stitch journal. I realize that I'm a planner and a creature of habit, so I do find myself doing some of the same things I did during the 2021 project, but it feels different. I still stitch over my lunch break (which is fine) and I'm finding my scale is a little off. I don't have to fill a 3x3 square, but I still embroider like I do. That's the lesson I learned this week: I need to scale differently. If I don't, the yard of fabric I cut won't be enough for 365 days!
I started the project off with French knots because I love them and true love never dies. They're soothing. I never expected them to be soothing since it took me so long to learn how to do them, but they really are soothing. I also created a shape that sort of looks like a fish and decided to quote President Biden. Again, the scale is all over the place, but it's fine. This is about being whatever it needs to be, so it's fine.
One thing I didn't realize is how much time it takes to thread needles. I really wanted to stitch for 5-10 minutes every day, but I didn't factor in the threading time. Since I'm using thread from the 2021 ort jar the lengths are all over the place so I do have to re-thread more frequently than I would if I were using new thread.
For Friday and Saturday, I selected only two strands of thread to use. My goal was to stitch until the thread ended, and I did just that. I feel like the scale in these two are a bit more aligned to what I originally thought I'd do for this stitch journal. I really like today's piece - it's not couching or herringbone, but it's not not couching.
January 1
January 2 |
January 3 |
January 4 |
January 5 - is it a fish? |
January 6 - I had to delete a comment on IG because of this one. What is wrong with people? Don't answer that. |
January 7 |
January 8 |
Week One |
Thanks for joining me for the first week. I'm going to keep to the schedule of Saturday posts for each weekly update. I hope to share a mid-week post about my first non-365 project of the year. Exciting!
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