Since I took the day off of work today, I decided to do a more involved negative space piece. The other ones I've done have focused on a specific type of stitch and shape rather than a word like today. This is one of the harder pieces I've drawn; I didn't get the shapes completely right for the outline of the letters, but it's a good first try. It was fun to make and definitely something I'll keep working on after this year's project is completed.
Stitches and Thread Palette:
Stitches and Thread Palette:
- Flowers (starting at the top right with the red woven wheel)
- 1 - SS 920 (4), 901 (3), woven wheel, French knot
- 2 - SS 919 (3), 303 (6), satin stitch, French knot
- 3 - SS 581 (3), 302 (6), satin stitch, French knot
- 4 - SS 901 (3), 581 (3), woven wheel, French knot
- 5 - SS 102 (3), 302 (6), satin stitch, French knot
- 6 - SS 901 (3), 302 (6), satin stitch, French knot
- 7 - SS 920 (3), French knots
- 8 - SS 901 (3), French knots
- 9 - SS 581 (3), French knots
- 10 - SS 901 (3), French knots
- Leaves (starting at the very top between the cream and red French knots)
- A - SS 788 (3), fishbone stitch
- B, C, G - SS 921 (3), fishbone stitch
- D, F, H - SS 788 (3) fishbone stitch, stem stitch, French knots
- E - Ss 788, 921 (3), fishbone stitch
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