Weird connections

Way back in November 2019, I was in the middle of buying my first house (a condo, but you get what I mean). I started looking for a place in late September, and was at the point in the home buying experience where I hated everything I saw and was frustrated by the whole process. I met up with my brother and my friend, Emily, to see the movie Dr. Sleep. Nothing distracts from the unnecessarily stressful process of buying a home like watching a movie adaptation of a Stephen King novel. Anyway, we were early for the movie and were having a beer in the bar attached to the Alamo theatre. I showed them pictures of the last place I looked at, which is now my home. They agreed that it was the best place and that I should make an offer. I agreed to stop talking about real estate for the remainder of the evening. Then Emily told us about her dog Hazel.

Hazel ate a rat. 

At the time of this story, I don't think Hazel was even a year old yet and had been adopted a few months prior. She and Emily were out for a walk with a friend and her dog in the woods near their homes. Emily noticed Hazel eating something. That something was a dead rat. Obviously, Emily freaked out and tried to get Hazel to let go of the rat, but Hazel would not let go. She ate the whole thing, and was immediately taken to the vet. The vet didn't think Hazel was in any danger, and Hazel was pretty pleased with herself. It was more than likely a wood rat, so the chance of having rat poison in its system was slim. Emily was advised to watch Hazel and give her some pumpkin to help clean out her system. So not only did Hazel eat an entire rat, she got a treat for doing so. 

When I started planning for this project, I asked several friends if there were any dates or things I needed to include in the project. Emily asked that I include a commemoration of the day Hazel ate a rat. I think of Hazel and the rat when I think about how long I've lived in my condo. I put an offer on the place the day after I heard the story, and so the two events will always be connected in my mind. I hope Hazel doesn't mind that I'm a few days late in making this for her. 

This is Hazel.

Stitches: back and satin stitches, French knots
Thread palette: DMC 310 (2 strands), 4250 (3 strands)
