Grandma Moses Trees

It's tree week! I've been looking forward to tree week since I decided to focus on trees for an entire week way back in August. At the time, I didn't actually know what the trees would look like or if I'd be able to come up with more than one tree, but I did. I have Grandma Moses to thank for this week. I really loved the tree I embroidered for my Grandma Moses inspired piece last month; it was a lot looser than my normal embroidery style. Stitching it gave me freedom to make something more abstract that isn't really abstract, but has that feel. Embroidery sometimes feels too perfect, like if I make a stitch too long or it's not quite the same, the design fails. Historically, women were often judged on their ability to create perfect stitches, so I feel like it's in my embroidery DNA to feel like I'm failing if my work isn't perfect. This is one of the reasons I started this project - would I be okay with some of these pieces not turning out exactly as I planned? Would I rip them out and try again? The answers are yes, and I haven't ripped anything out completely. I've had to pivot a few times to make a piece work, but I haven't started over completely. I've been surprisingly okay with the imperfections in this project. 

I decided to start tree week off with two Grandma Moses inspired trees as a thank you for helping me come up with seven tree designs for this week. There's something a little creepy about them, which I also like. I hope you enjoy the trees this week; I enjoyed designing them. I'm super excited about Wednesdays' tree - I really hope it works as planned. It'll still be cool if it doesn't though. 

I gave my Instagram followers a little sneak peek of what's coming up this week, so I thought I'd share it here too.  

Stitches: back and straight stitches
Thread palette: DMC 300, 632 (3 strands)
