Tiny piles of books

I think my book piles are judging me. I can't say for certain, since they're books and don't actually express feelings to me, but it feels like they're judging me. I love books. I love reading them. I love talking about books. I love buying books. However, my book buying habit often gets way ahead of my book reading habit. 

There's a Japanese word for this: tsundoku. Tsundoku means "the art (or practice) of buying books and never reading them." I have ambitions to read all the books in the piles, but some other book comes along. Or I decide to embroider a small embroidery piece every day for a year. And those Top Model reruns are not going to watch themselves. I have come to accept my book piles and their judgement. One day, I'll read them all. I promise.

Stitches: back stitch, French knots
Thread palette: DMC 310 (2 strands)
