Seven months done! Amazing - July has been my favorite month overall. The sea/water/ocean theme has been a lot of fun to work on. Thank you for following along this month and all the feedback and positive comments on the blog and Instagram. I ended up with 24 themed posts this month, and I learned seven new stitches. Not too shabby.
I thought we'd end the month with a quote from someone who clearly loved the sea, Jacques Cousteau. He and I share a birthday, and I remember watching his films on PBS as a kid. He was an officer in the French navy, and began diving and promoting ocean conservation following World War II. Today's quote is attributed in two ways; I went with the shorter version for the piece since my space is limited. Here's the full quote:
The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.
Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: DMC 797 (2, 3 strand)
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