
I was planning a very specific piece about my visit to Kauai when I lived in Hawaii. It was the only other island I got to visit, and it was beautiful and magical. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. One of the things I did during my visit was take a tour of all the places on the island used in films and tv shows, including Gilligan's Island, Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom, and the mountain formation that inspired the song "Puff the Magic Dragon." That was what I was planning on doing today; a version of Puff, but it did not work out. Not every idea I have works out. 

Instead, I decided to focus on a specific memory from my trip which involving a rainbow. I don't remember where I stayed during my trip, but it was on a beach and I had a view of the water from my room. On my last morning in Kauai, there was a rainbow over the water. Hawaii is one of the best places in the world to see rainbows (it's science), and this one was lovely. I have no photos of it because I ran out of film the day before, and didn't buy any more since I was leaving the next day. I'm good with not having an actual photo. The memory is enough. 

I also wanted to play around with Perle thread again. I used Perle for the entire piece. I really love how the water turned out, and the chain stitch rainbow will be back again. One more piece from Hawaii, probably on Saturday since I think it's going to be take me a long time to finish. 


Stitches: chain and stem stitches
Thread palette: DMC Perle (5) 725, 699, 946, 35, 32, 799, 666, 796 
