Getting my threads in a row

I organized my art studio/craft room today. I feel really good about it. It was chaos, and not in a good way. I reorganized my thread (I have so much thread), got rid of an old sewing box and a chair Keely ruined, and finally put away the art journaling supplies I'm not going to touch for the next six months (probably). I finally hung up some additional pieces I made last year, and found a new home for all the stuff for projects I want to work on...soon. 

Supervisor Keely inspects the new thread organization. He approves.

How long will the thread remain organized? Despite my Type A tendencies, I tend to throw thread on the table when I'm done rather than putting it away, so my goal for the next month is to put things away properly after each piece. I can do it. 

Stitches: back and straight stitches
Thread palette: SS 701 (3 strands), 804 (6 strands)
