I can't give or follow cardinal directions. I understand how they work, but I've never been able to live in that world. I blame two bodies of water for this: the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain. I think I learned about cardinal directions around the time we moved Louisiana, but no one actually used cardinal directions to explain how to get anywhere. Every one used landmarks, and the rive and the lake were two of the main landmarks people used to get others around. You'd tell someone to go toward or away from the river or to turn right or left when they got to the river. Or maybe it was going across the lake to do something.
When my GPS tells me to head east and turn right, I legitimately have no idea what it's talking about. I need it to say something like, "Go past the house that looks like a carnival ride, turn left at the tacky Tudor, and then turn right when you get to the lake. Drive along past the house that looks like it's being haunted by the ghost of a sad Victorian child, turn right at the Roy Rogers, and drive for about 10 minutes and then turn left. The thing you're looking for is right there. If you find the weird cemetery, you've gone too far." But my GPS never says that.
Anyone else terrible at cardinal directions?
Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: DMC 310 (2 strands), 964 (3 strands)
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