Only Old People Sigh

I sigh a lot. I've done it my whole life. My mom used to tell me "only old people sigh." I'm sure she had a reason, but I feel like her telling me that only made me want to sigh more. Maybe I'm an old soul. 

Sighing gets a bad rap since it's often used to express frustration or exasperation or feelings of sadness or depression. But you can also sigh in content and relief. Scientists believe it actually helps keep our lungs healthy, and even identified the part of the brain that controls sighing. It feels good to sigh, regardless of which emotion I'm feeling. It makes me feel better. 

I had a very sigh-heavy day yesterday, so today's piece is inspired by my sighs. Keely was definitely annoyed with my sighs; he napped to deal with his annoyance. Cats, man. For whatever reason, I also really wanted to do a chain stitch today, so I decided to use it the trim around the "sigh." Think of it as the path a sigh takes to make it into the world. Or something. 

Take a second and sigh. Feel what you're feeling and get it all out. You're welcome.

Stitches: back stitch, whipped back stitch, chain stitch
Thread palette: SS 702 (3 strands), 703 (4 strands), 704 (3 strands)
