Cat's day

I love UberFacts. It's one of the best accounts I follow on Twitter. I love learning little facts and nuggets of information during my day. We have UberFacts to thank for today's piece:

This came up in my Twitter feed yesterday, and I took a screenshot as is my practice when I see something online that might be fun to stitch. I love learning new words, and learning words from other languages is even better. Today's word, kissanpäivät, is Finnish and means a carefree life (literally cat's days). In the last year, I've said more often than is probably necessary, how much I would love to live the life my cat lives. Look at some moments from a day in the like of Keely:

To be a cat! 

Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: SS 703 (6 strands), 704 (3 strands), DMC 310 (2 strands), C603 (3 strands)
