I was an annoying little sister. I'm confident enough as an adult to admit this. I don't know that my brother actually liked me until I was around 12 years old and he was leaving for college (I exaggerate, but you get my point). Despite my being annoying, my brother is an awesome brother. Always has been. We've enjoyed lots of adventures over the years, and as adults, are very close. One of the things I miss most about being out in the world is going to baseball games with him. I'm hoping that will change this summer, but I'm still being cautious. We're both getting our first vaccine dose next week (him on Friday, me on Saturday), so there is hope.
Today is Siblings Day, another wonderful random holiday. I know not everyone has siblings or likes their siblings, but I do, so I like to celebrate. Here are some fun photos of us over the years.
My first birthday - look at his smile while I appear to be having a fit |
Riding an elephant in Baraboo, WI - I have no memory of this except that this photo exists and our parents talk about this trip occasionally. |
Making faces in the snow - he loves cold weather, I hate it. |
Obligatory siblings at sporting events selfies - the top picture is from his birthday last year. I took him to a DC United game; that was the last thing we did before quarantine started.
Good times. I particularly like my first birthday photo. The fashion alone is enough to make that photo perfect, but I think it's the smirk and the tantrum that really make it the best childhood photo. Also, we're adorable.
I was trying to figure out what to do for a Siblings Day themed piece. I thought about making a piece that included a lot of little images, like baseball stuff, concert tickets, road trip memories, and things that are funny to us. Then I remembered two recent text exchanges with my brother that really sum our lives as siblings:
Text exchange 1: My brother: Doritos are B1G1. What flavor do you want?
Text exchange 2: Me: I pan seared an avocado today. My brother: Now you're just being weird.
There was no question about whether I wanted the Doritos. I just needed to pick a flavor (I went with Cool Ranch). The same process applies to mint Oreos, certain types of beer, and homemade tortillas from Wegmans; we just buy them for each other. The second exchange is my favorite. We were texting prior to this exchange about the Cecil Hotel docuseries on Netflix, and discussing how the hotel manager featured in the series was giving us "Carol Baskin vibes" because she laughed at super inappropriate times. We both felt that while she wasn't involved in hiding the body in question in the series, she may have hidden a body (metaphorically and literally) in her time at the Cecil Hotel. I appreciate that of all the weird and silly things I've done/said/texted to my brother over the years, the fact that I pan seared an avocado is the thing that is weird to him.
(Note: a pan seared avocado is delicious. It's part of a recipe from my most recent Purple Carrot box. This is not something I would have ever thought to do, but it adds a surprising flavor and texture to the avocado.)
Happy Siblings Day!
Details: Stitches: back stitch Thread palette: DMC C890 (2 and 4 strands) |
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