Dolly Parton is a national treasure. I won't be arguing this point with anyone. If you don't agree, you can stop reading this and move on with your empty life. In addition to being a fan of her music and her other philanthropic activities, I love the fact that Parton's donation to Vanderbilt University helped fund research related to the Moderna vaccine. Dolly Parton has done more to help with the pandemic than the vast majority of elected officials. Again, I won't be arguing this point with anyone either. Facts are facts.
I got my first dose of vaccine today. I didn't expect to get mine until later in the spring, but because I'm an election officer for my county, I was classified in phase 1b as someone responsible for "maintaining the continuity of government" (there's a primary election in June - this also makes me laugh). My brother was classified in the same group (he's a county employee) and got his first shot yesterday. By mid-May we'll both have our second dose. Our parents are both fully vaccinated, and many of my friends and other family are or are waiting for their second shot. I feel a sense of relief I haven't felt in over a year. I didn't cry in my car after my vaccine, but I teared up when I sat down to wait 15 minutes after I got the shot. It's emotional.
I'm not a political artist or a craftivist. I respect both types of artists, and I do occasionally make art that is political or social justice focused, but I'm not either. My "Screams" series is probably my most political series; I have a seventh "Scream" coming out in the next few weeks. Even though my art is not overtly political, my beliefs are part of me, so they're part of my art. Science is cool. Vaccines are a good idea. Not being an asshole in public is also cool. Being a responsible citizen is cool. For those people out there who can take the vaccine, but aren't for "reasons," you're being selfish assholes. I talked with the nurse who administered my shot, and she said the same thing without the cursing. She was lovely and from Michigan originally, so we had a nice chat while she prepped my shot. Healthcare workers are the best.
And yes, I did wear my Dolly Parton shirt to get my vaccine today. And I listened to the Dolly Parton station on my drive to my appointment (y'all "Islands in the Stream" is always a great song). I didn't know if I'd actually get the Moderna vaccine as the county is using both, but I wanted to pay tribute to Dolly Parton while getting my shot today. It was a Moderna day, so I can't thank Dolly enough.
Get vaccinated. Wear your mask. Wash your hands. Practice social distancing. Don't be an asshole.
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Yes, I am aware the vaccine is not blue. We're having fun here. Science can also be fun. |
Stitches: back, satin, straight stitches
Thread palette: DMC 310 (4 strands), C318, C3995 (3 strands), C321 (2 strands)
Inspiration: Dolly Parton and the power of science. Check out this parody of "Jolene" if you'd like a little laugh today.
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