D.E.A.R Day

Today would have been Beverly Cleary's 105th birthday. As I shared last month, she was one of my favorite authors as a child. In the book Ramona Quimby, Age 8, Ramona starts third grade at a new school. Her favorite part of the day is SSR time (silent sustained reading). Her teacher calls it "D.E.A.R time" instead (drop everything and read), and Ramona loves the idea of having time that's dedicated to reading just to read. D.E.A.R Day is celebrated on Cleary's birthday, and families are encouraged to find time to read together. You can read more about D.E.A.R Day here

I have piles of books around my house. This is in addition to three completely full bookcases, one plastic bin of paperbacks, and a full Kindle. There's the coffee table pile; these are a mix of the books I'm reading now and books that are further down on my list to read. There's the bedside pile and the bedside table pile (same piece of furniture, different levels). It's getting out of control. Today's piece is inspired by my book piles. I'm committing to reading these five books next. What's on your current reading list? You know, so I can add more books to my piles. 

Hope you can enjoy some D.E.A.R time today!

Authors: Mikki Kendall, Jennifer Mathieu, Anthony DeCurtis, Frederich Zugibe and David L. Carroll & Meg Hafdahl and Kelly Florence. The Lou Reed book is called Lou Reed: A Life but I couldn't find it when I drew this, so I went with the best thing I could think of. I found it last night, but decided not to change the piece.

Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: SS 013, 503, 201, 102 (2 strands), DMC 310 (2 and 4 strands)
