Spring Blooms, Version 1

Yesterday's piece was a lot more intense than I realized when I was working on it. It took about four hours to finish. It was an emotional piece; I spent most of the rest of the day hanging out with the cat and being very introvert-y. 

During my introverting, I watched this embroidery video about 20 times. I have a few spring posts planned between now and mid-April, and I'm excited about them all, but this one just makes me smile. It's simple (if you can do a French knot), and so very pretty. It takes about 40 minutes to complete (including the border). I like quick projects to balance out the ones that take several hours to complete - it's all about balance. Today's version is similar to the video, but with a different color palette. I plan to do another version of this piece at the end of the month with a fun materials twist. 

Enjoy some spring blooms!

Stitches: back and straight stitches, French knots. I did four wraps for these knots so they're a little larger than what I normally do.
Thread palette: Sublime Stitching 401 (1 strand), 601, 102, 301, 803, 204, 502 (6 strands)
