Guard your energy

You know who's really good at guarding their energy? Cats. Cats excel at guarding their energy. They do what they want. They're not interested in doling out time to people/dogs/cats/air that doesn't deserve their time. They sleep between 16-18 hours a day because they know what's really valuable. 

 You know what else cats are good at? Protecting their human's time. Keely likes to remind me when work ends every day and enjoys sitting on my lap in a way that allows me to nothing but read or watch tv. (I'm typing this one-handed, by the way. Someone needs his human right now.)

Anyway, I'm enrolled in an online workshop on art and business right now and am slowly working through the self-paced materials. I was going through one of the modules last night, and the instructor talked about guarding your energy. This really stuck with me. I think about all the things that take my energy away from things I need and want to focus on. So I'm setting a goal for myself to do a better job of guarding my energy. I don't know what that will look, but that's my goal. It's a process.

Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: Sublime Stitching 701 and 803 (3 stands)
