Choose to challenge

I watched the new Amy Poehler movie Moxie on Netflix last night. Based on Jennifer Mathieu's book of the same name, Moxie follows teenage Vivian, who starts a feminist zine and group with her friends and tries to make a difference in her high school. Inspired by her mom's Riot Grrl past, she create the zine and anonymously distributes it at her school, causing her classmates and the administration to take notice. 

I really enjoyed the movie (I haven't read the book). I was a teenager during the late 90s, so Riot Grrl bands and zines were part of my formative years, and shaped a lot of my feminism. Parts of the movie made me pretty emotional, remembering things from my own high school experience and other experiences with harassment and bias. I do also agree with criticism of the movie about intersectionality; it's definitely a lot of white girl rage. There were lots of opportunities for a more varied approach to things, but I don't think it ruins the movie. It does illustrate that we can always do more. 

The quotes in today's piece come from an exchange between Vivian and her mom, Lisa (played by Poehler):

Lisa: Me and my friends protested everything. We made a ton of mistakes.
Vivian: But you're glad you did it all, right?
Lisa: Of course. What are you going to do? Nothing?

It made me think of the theme for International Women's Day this year - choose to challenge. We can choose to call out gender bias and inequality. We can choose to celebrate the achievements of women. We can choose to create a more inclusive world. 

Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: DMC 310 (2 strands), C550 (2 and 4 strands)

Raise your hand and #choosetochallenge and amplify the call for change.

Happy Birthday to my brother! I asked him if he wanted to be featured in a piece today, and he said he'd rather I wait for his 50th birthday. Now I have two years to make an epic something for him. 
