
One of my favorite signs from the first Women's March (January 2017) was this one from a person from North Carolina:

Y'all is such a great term. It's more natural sounding than "you all" and it's more inclusive than "you guys" and it's just funner. My family is originally from Michigan, but I grew up between Alabama, Louisiana, and Virginia, so I have the most Southern accent of anyone in my family. My accent is really only noticeable when I'm angry, have had a glass too many of wine, or have been back home for any length of time. I say "y'all" a lot. 

Anyway, I was thinking about this sign today during a panel discussion on transgender issues in the workplace. Our women's group co-sponsored the event with our LGTBQ+ Allies group. It was the only time in my entire career where I've participated in a session like this. Three colleagues shared their personal stories on being trans or non-gender conforming in the workplace. It was emotional and powerful; I was overwhelmed by their willingness to share their stories, and so grateful to work for an organization where they feel safe enough to do so. It also made me think of my own allyship and the work I need to do to continue to understand more and learn more to be a better ally.

Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: DMC 3845
