Lorelai: Because my brain is a wild jungle full of scary gibberish…I’m writing a letter…I can’t write a letter…why can’t I write a letter?…I’m wearing a green dress…I wish I was wearing my blue dress…my blue dress is at the cleaners…the Germans wore grey…you wore blue…Casablanca, Casablanca…such a good movie…Casablanca…the White House…Bush…why don’t I drive a hybrid car? I should really drive a hybrid car…I should really take my bicycle to work…bicycle, unicycle, unitard…hockey puck, rattle snake, monkey, monkey, underpants.
Rory: Hockey puck, rattle snake, monkey, monkey, underpants?
Lorelai: Exactly! That’s what I’m saying. Its a big bag of weird in there.
(from Gilmore Girls, Season 7, Episode 11 "Santa's Secret Stuff)
I love Gilmore Girls. It will always be one of my favorite tv shows. I recently re-watched the entire series, including the Netflix revival, and so much of it is still so very good. Some of it is not great, but I'd still rather re-watch a bad episode of Gilmore Girls than watch many other things. While season 7 will never be my favorite season, the above exchange between Lorelai and Rory is one of my favorites. I feel Lorelai's inability to write a letter, or in my case, create something, in my soul.
Last night, as I was falling asleep, I had this idea for something I wanted to stitch involving that was very Judy Chicago circa 1960s minimalism meets Space City by Kelsey Wishik, all in satin stitch. I wasn't sure I would use it for this project or maybe something for my future project using metal, but it was in my brain. This morning I tried to sketch something, but it wasn't working at all. I decided to put it away for a bit and let my brain simmer on it. Eventually, it will just work. Or at least that what I hope will happen.
I did some lunchtime sketching and came up with today's piece. It's about how ideas work. I led a spotlight session today with my team, and we were talking about strengths and how we work as a team. It was fun listening to people put ideas together, and process their own strengths and weaknesses. Like how ideas work, it's not a straight path or one that makes any sense. Maybe we get to the end and the thing is realized or finished or done. Maybe it never is.
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