This is my cat, Keely.
Lots of artists and writers love cats, or co-exist with cats. Judy Chicago is famous for including her cats in her work, including a book called Kitty City that I love. Cats have the right temperament for artists; they don't need constant attention (for the most part), are incredibly entertaining, and provide some level of affection when needed.
I spent my lunch break looking up quotes about cats, and found this one from the French writer Colette:
Le temps passe avec un chat n'est jamais perdu. (Time spent with a cat is never wasted.)
Freud said something similar, but I like Colette better. I recently ordered a collection of her stories (it hasn't arrived yet) after seeing Gigi as an option to rent on Prime Video. I read the novella in college and saw the movie years ago. Since the pandemic started last March, I spend the vast majority of my time with Keely. None of that time is wasted, and I'm pretty certain he's more affectionate today because we've spent so much time together.
I hope to be able to embroider a mini portrait of Keely for this project. His birthday is in November, so that's my goal. He'll be featured in the piece I have planned for Valentine's Day (I'm very excited about it.) Until cat portrait time, enjoy today's quote from Colette and cuddle with the pets in your life.
Stitches: back stitch, stem stitch
Thread palette: DMC 3799 (6 strands), 498 and 318 (3 strands)
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