When I first learned to embroider I focused on learning three basic stitches: back, stem, and split. I used them for everything. Over time, I added more stitches and finally learned how to make a French knot. I plan to learn a few new stitches over the course of this year (first up: colonial knot, I think). I've been using the back, split, and stem stitch a lot this month, but realized my consistency wasn't great. I'm good at embroidery, but I want to be great, so today's piece is about paying attention to my stitches and slowing down. Time is a challenge during the week for me (job, cat to hang out with, vacuuming to avoid), and I feel rushed. Rushed sometimes equals sloppy. I need to work on aligning my speed and quality. I'm a work in progress.
The result is pretty cool. I alternated between stitches (back, split, stem), but kept the same thread so it's a continuous stitch. I think I'll make stitch study a monthly feature.
From an angle |
Stitches: back, stem, split stitches
Thread palette: DMC 4250 (6 strands). This color is part of DMC's Color Variations collection. It's a single thread with tonal variations, so you don't have to change threads to create an ombre effect. It takes some getting used to, but the results are cool.
Bonus tip: If you're getting started with embroidery or are looking for refreshers on stitches, I highly recommend the Cutesy Crafts YouTube channel. I found this channel over the summer when I needed to brush up on my chain stitch and long and short stitch. Her explanations are easy to follow and are great for practice.
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