If you're not familiar with the song "Attitude" by Bad Brains, take less than 2 minutes and listen to the song here. The band formed in the late 1970s in DC, and their music focused on bringing a more positive attitude to punk music. Bad Brains didn't create the concept of PMA (Positive Mental Attitude), but I learned about it from their music and from bands who were inspired by Bad Brains. Check out the second episode of the documentary Sonic Highways for some great perspective on the DC punk scene and the influence of Bad Brains on bands like the Foo Fighters (the documentary is available on iTunes). 

I made a version of today's piece two years ago for my work cube. I was having one of those moments at work where I felt like I was doing everything wrong and nothing was working. I realized I was focusing too much on what I couldn't control, and not enough on how I was reacting to events and situations. So I made myself a PMA badge, hung it up in my cube, and used it as a mantra of sorts at work when I felt like I was getting in that space again. 

This coming week is going to be something. I manage a leadership development program and this week is the program kickoff. Given the pandemic, I had to convert the event to a three-day virtual event rather than the in-person event I usually host. I have no idea how it's going to go. I know it's going to be overwhelming for me and the participants. I've done everything I can to prepare, and I have amazing co-workers and facilitators participating. I usually have a stress dream about the event right around now, and it hasn't happened, which is a good sign. Today's piece is a reminder to myself to go into the week with a positive mental attitude and to focus on what I can control. It will be fine. It will work. 

Tomorrow is the last day of January! I've almost finished one whole month of embroidery pieces!! It's also my friend Anita's birthday, so tomorrow's piece will be in her honor. I'll also share a short video of the entire months pieces and some reflection on how month one went. I may also give you a sneak peek into February. 

Stitches: back stitch
Thread palette: DMC C310, SS 201, 401 (Green Day - ha), 804 (6 strands, numbers use 2 strands)
