It has pockets!

I'm not great a receiving compliments. Like flirting, receiving a compliment is one of those things that turns me into the most awkward human being alive. It doesn't matter if it's personal or professional, I end up stammering or giving a less than thank you or I turn it into a team congratulations even though I was the one who did the thing. Some of this is societal; we're told to be humble, but also to be proud, but not too proud, so what are we to do? We suck at taking a compliments that's what. We all have our things that make us awkward, and this is one of mine. 

Today is National Compliment Day, another random holiday we should all take time to celebrate. I chose one of my favorite memes of all time as inspiration for today's piece. 

This is me. I have five or six dresses with pockets, and I do this every time I wear one of them and someone compliments me. I show people the pockets. I talk about the pockets. I wrote a blog about dresses with pockets on the Island (yes, I was a costume design major). I love clothing companies with a "dresses with pockets" category on their website (thank you, Modcloth). Bring me all the dresses with pockets...take all my money! For the record, this is also me:

I enjoyed sketching today's piece. I went through a few dress sketches before settling on this one. I've been re-watching Gilmore Girls, and this sketch is in honor of Miss Celine, one of the most underrated supporting characters on the show. She has an oddly specific compliment for everyone, so be like Miss Celine and make sure you take some time to compliment someone today!

Sketches & choosing threads - Sublime Stitching threads have little sayings on the wrappers.

Pre-polka dots - definitely needed something.

Stitches: back, stem, and satin stitches, French knots
Thread palette: Sublime Stitching 701 (Black Hole), 802 (Lip Gloss)  - both 3 strands; 704 (Eyeliner) - 3 and 6 strands
Inspiration: Loryn Brantz's comic Jellybean Comics and the countless Twitter posts and memes about dresses with pockets. All dresses should have pockets. This is a fact. Thanks to Anita for the suggestion of polka dots. 
